Sunday 17 August 2014


     Earlier this week I spent the day in the company of my granddaughters, ages 3 and 5. They had been twirling and plie-ing at dance camp all morning where I picked them up (complicated by an hour's lag between their finishing times). Then a quick stop for a happy meal to eat in the car. We then stopped by and picked up grandpa and were off to the outdoor old-fashioned Burnaby Village Museum.  We walked through and looked in the buildings exclaiming over this and that – the one room schoolhouse, the general store, barbershop, etc - we did the scavenger hunt, and had an ice cream break in the cafĂ©. This was followed by a ride on the historic carousel before walking across the little bridge back to the parking lot. We had had a lovely time and were all moving just a bit more slowly than when we arrived.

However, almost immediately the 5 year old said eagerly,
  "What are we going to do now, Grandma?"  
  I said, Taking you home. 
  Her response was a gloomy, "Awww, but I want to go play at your house. And we haven’t even gone to the farmer’s market yet”!

     During the drive home in the car she declared she was tired. No doubt. She'd had a busy day!  However, I figured in an hour she'd be rested and rarin’ to go again. 

     Me?  not so much!

     The same day I read the following by C.S. Lewis which sums up exactly how I feel quite often—

... I am frantically busy: and though I get no more tired now than I did when I was younger, I take much longer to get un-tired afterwards.

1 comment:

PoCoKat said...

That is so true! It is all about becoming un-tired afterward! It all makes sense now!