Thursday 19 December 2013

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Caroling, caroling now we go, Christmas bells are ringing
Merry Christmas 

For me Christmas bells are more greeting card romanticism such as the above than reality.  In my travels I have occasionally had the pleasure of hearing bells from ancient cathedrals and clock towers, usually in the middle of summer. The photo below is from the Cologne Cathedral which I had the privilege of visiting but the bells were silent at the time. Sometime, somewhere I hope to hear big bells like this ring at Christmas time and even be able to actually pull a bell rope!  I recall with fondness being among the bells in the little handbell choir in the junior high school where I worked.  

In each case - at least in 'the olden days' - someone provides movement in order for the bell to sound - pulling a rope, shaking a handle, jingling, etc.  Metaphorically speaking, this is what I'm reflecting on today.  Now and in the new year I want to be a person whose movements ring out into the community - actively, helpfully, loudly - chiming, ringing, melodiously.

Of course the bell metaphor has a great deal to do with family ties!  Merry Christmas to the Bell Family!
And it has something to do with a beautiful hand crafted card received from a good friend! Thanks Lyn.


Unknown said...

Merry Christmas! *rings her bells*

Eunice said...

Does that mean someone has to pull your rope or jiggle your handle?
Merry Christmas Bells!