Saturday 7 December 2013

Views from a Caribbean vacation

During a recent Caribbean vacation, I found myself noticing clouds and shoes!  Of course, palm trees and beach and waves and even fish in the shallows, but most definitely clouds and shoes! 


This was written in the Caribbean while sky gazing from a beach chair pulled out into the sea! The sunburn I got testifies to the fact that I spent too long looking straight up watching white gossamer bits appear and assemble, move about and connect while other portions disassemble and melt off into the blue.

Although returning home to the grey skies of Vancouver made me re-think, still ...

If there never were clouds, there would never be pink and gold, or violet and yellow streaks glowing in the sky morning and evening. Wouldn't life be much less beautiful?

I can't help but ask myself, am I so focused on how clouds upset my ideal nothing-but-sunshine perfect life that I fail to see the beauty of them?!

Also can't help but notice that clouds forming and dissipating, take their places in the sky according to the Grand Plan of creation.  Fleeting but no less important because of their brevity.  Like us – our lives in the grand scheme of things are brief.   But again, it's all part of God's Grand Plan!


LOW  ~  not quite so ethereal!  

I wish I could have taken a photo of all the footwear stepping through the lobby - but it's pretty hard to do that surreptitiously while people are walking!  Now visualize me not sitting in a beach chair but in the lobby with a Caribbean breeze blowing through because although there’s a roof there’s not much in the way of a wall.

Observations from a bright blue lobby chair~

v  My own shoes are dreadfully Canadian! Not flat, not high heeled. Not colourful, not colourless. Not undecorated, not fancy. Sandals, but not strappy. Underwhelming! see below... sigh... (anklet is a nice touch though, eh?)
v  Strappy sandals on a grandma who wannabe younger, walking carefully, not wanting what sturdy Velcro straps would say about her.
v  Shoes as attention getting device…
v  Four inch heels worn by a six foot tall woman says if you've got it flaunt it. Worn by someone four foot nothing says trying too hard.
v  But it's the 4 inch platforms with a 6 inch heel worn with ... well, almost nothing at all, that shouts loudest. Most look as though they were bought on the way to this vacation. Walking in them should be sold with how-to lessons! 
v  Cinderella slippers dancing on the feet of a tiny princess in a ball gown on her way to dinner making delightful clikky clatter noises with every move.
v  Neon purple toenails and glitter flip flops with baseball hat on backwards = confused teenager.
v  Track shoes, white socks and a filmy swishy skirt - saw it in Vogue? - confused? - or maybe oops, I forgot something when I was packing!
v  Well worn $5 plastic flip-flops = I don't have time to shop and it doesn't matter.  New $40 fancy flip-flops = they were so cute, how could I not!
v  Then there are the heavy Roman style sandals that go up the lower leg looking a bit incongruous and even boots that could take on a prairie winter, worn with short shorts
v  Child doing high stepping all around her parents chasing the little LED lights sparkling from her summery flipflops.
v  Bare feet - white soles and black legs.  Feet bare - pink sunburn on white legs.
v  And that's just the women...  !

One more observation ~The group of 20something's – a girls’ getaway on our floor -  we  dubbed them the Devastating Divas - are the epitome of the 'it look' in vacation wear.  I now have a new definition of short tight skirt.  Both the younger and older gals pour themselves into their clothes - the brighter the colour or print pattern the better – with their beautiful black skin and gleaming black hair and infectious smiles, I can’t help but smile back.  No matter their body shape or size... lookin’ flashy... with matching shoes! I can't help but wish I was among the ‘it’ crowd myself!

I can usually pick the Canadians out of the crowd - dressed sensibly - flats - capris - speaking for myself of course !

But I'm rethinking my wardrobe and shoes... for next time...

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