Thursday 10 October 2013


This is an interesting month. One of my loved ones turns 3 and another turns 102 and the sweet thing is they adore each other and they're both so good natured.   It certainly gives food for thought about life, death, generations and changes. I'm watching the little one explore the beginning of life and I'm watching the older one fend off the end of life. All the rest of us are, obviously, somewhere in between.  

I've tried and tried to figure out something profound to say about this process of aging - many pundits far more capable than me have written extensively. But now that I'm of a certain age, it seems that I should have arrived at something to say on the subject. All I can think of to say is that I see it proceed one day at a time. We experience being 3 when we're 3, 65 when we're 65, and when we get over 100 we still aren't able to answer the question, 'what does it feel like to be your age?'  I've said it, probably you've said it - I'm 50...65...75 but I only feel 19...29...30. My mom once said she felt 19 but when she looked at her hands, she could see that they were getting old. 

"Life and time are ghosted creatures for us all.  They belong to us - and are not ours at the same time."  The Gift of Years by Joan Chittister.

All of us observe birth and death over and over, but only get to experience them each once as allotted by God's heavenly plan.  Every breath, every day, is part of the mystery of being alive!  

The great thing about this month is the opportunity to enjoy 
two birthday parties.

I'm a-think'n I would be wise to just party and enjoy the mystery!

...and Happy Birthday to any of my readers who are celebrating in October!

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