Monday 23 September 2013

Very Grand Birthday Party

It'll soon be my granddaughter's 3rd birthday.  She's been putting together her guest list:  Barbie, Cinderella, Aurora, Monsters Inc, Dora, Caillou, Madeline, Minnie Mouse and certainly Sophia the First.  If you don't recognize any of the above, you haven't spent enough time around little girls lately!

Before my recent birthday, the same little girl asked me who I wanted to invite to my party.  That got me thinking and I've decided it would be large and very grand.

I'm pretty sure I'd invite Rachael, Leah, Abigail, Ruth, Naomi, Esther, mustn't forget Miriam, several Mary's, Elizabeth, Martha, Lydia, Anna, Timothy's mother and maybe even the ones we think of as 'bad girls' like Bathsheba, Delilah and Eve.  And there are more...

I almost forgot the "great cloud of witnesses"!*  I think that would include Ruth Graham Bell, Corrie ten Boom, Mother Teresa, Elisabeth Elliot, my mom.....

I'd have a garden party with flutes, cymbals, lyre and of course, tambourines!  Maybe go co-ed and invite King David with his harp, and Paul and Silas who would sing.  What a great birthday party that would be!!

     I am going to have a party like that!
          On my first day, my birth-day in Heaven!
               "What a day of rejoicing that will be!"  

*(Hebrews 12:1)


Unknown said...

Sounds like the three-year old needs to bump up her game to keep up with Grandma's invitation list. ;)

Eunice said...

Hey... no fair... you picked my list. Sure... just because your the big sister.