Sunday 22 September 2013

Reflecting upon what passes for normal

Ta! Da! I am ushering myself into the blogosphere!

With some trepidation and lots of excitement!

Welcome to my blog. Thanks for stopping by. Please come back often.

In my 'what passes for normal' life, I have lots to reflect upon - things of yesterday, tomorrow, not to mention today.

For instance, today:  how is it that my 2.9 year old granddaughter can talk for 4 hours without taking a breath and repeat the same phrase 10 times until she gets a satisfactory response which drives me to turn on the TV so I can get some peace and quiet just like it did with her daddy what only seems like yesterday.

I wasn't trying to write a blog in those days, more likely trying to write a letter to my mom - stationery, pen, envelope, stamp. Couldn't afford a long distance phone call.  Sorry but I have to state the obvious - some things have changed!

Has what passes for normal life changed?  Morphed certainly. I used to go and knock on my neighbour's door and have a chat - time passed and I would more likely phone her and have a chat - time passed and now I'll probably email her and ask if she's available to go out for coffee next week. But I still love chatting with my neighbour. Now the world is my neighbour. Via this blog, that means you!

Aren't we still the same but different?  This is what I am reflecting upon today.

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