Sunday 27 October 2013

Who do you follow?

“Who do you follow?”

The question was asked of all of us in the room.  I immediately thought, a bit defensively, I don’t follow anyone! I'm not a groupie!  But the question has resonated with me.  Has demanded a response.

Do I Tweet?  Nope. No following or followers there.    
Facebook?  My skills are pathetic but I’ve been known to do a few “likes”.  
Pinterest?  Nearly as pathetic as Facebook.  
RRS? or is it RSS?  'Nuff said.
Do I follow any blogs?   Got me there!  

That kind of following is 21st century but the concept is not new.   

Do I follow the antics of any celebrities through magazines or TV shows?   I would probably say no, but ask me about a few of them and I likely know something.  Did anyone other than me maintain a scrapbook of the British royal family some years ago?  Was my mom a follower?  She followed trends and styles, I can tell that from photos.  My grandma?  I’ll bet there was someone even in her rural homesteading community who was the one who always came up with a new recipe or a quilt pattern who she would have “followed”. 

Of course there’s the why question as well as the who question.  

Why do we follow?  Some thoughts occur to me 
* we know a good idea when we hear it and want to be part of where it goes 
* we want to be part of something bigger than ourselves, live vicariously a life we’ll never actually have 
* we want to feel a secure sense of belonging 
* our insecurities cause us to fear standing alone
* some following is more like grouping together for positive benefit or even survival 
* by example, and by mentoring, it seems to be the natural way to carry on through the years. Older generation teaches the younger.  This is a type of "follow".  
 … there are volumes more possible responses to that question.  At a very basic level, clearly we have a need to be linked to others.

Other than for survival, what motivates us to make one “follow” choice over another choice?  Who influences us?  Who do we allow to influence us?  In thinking about this since the question was posed at the beginning, I realize clearly that we constantly choose – purposely or unwittingly – who we will follow.  And I realize I need to take a fresh look - need to examine myself – to reflect on my daily choices and analyze who/what I follow -- how wholeheartedly? and how far? 

The one person I’ll never regret following – purposefully - with my whole heart – is Jesus Christ!  He is the way, truth and life.  And if I influence anyone to follow me following Him, I’ll never be ashamed.  That's the "who". And the "why"? Because I am convinced that if I follow Jesus first and foremost, I know where I belong, that I am never alone, and everything else in my life will follow rightly.

I must pass the question on--
Who do you follow?!

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