Wednesday 8 October 2014

The oppressor, the oppressed and the observer

My mind has been struck by an uncomfortable truth... I have been reflecting... I'll try to explain...

While studying Genesis 1 & 2, I became fixated on the fact that God breathed his breath into mankind whom He created. Who was a little lower than the angels. Who was made in His image, His likeness. God breathed His breath, His spirit, His very essence into man.

At the same time, hovering in my thoughts is the image we've all seen in recent days. An image of two men: one dressed in orange, subjugated, kneeling, and one in black standing in obvious superiority and brandishing a weapon. The oppressor and the oppressed.  But there is a third party in this scenario and that's me - the observer.  

What strikes me at this point is the central equality of all of us –
the oppressor, the oppressed, the observer.
Equally we are alive because we have had the breath of life breathed into us by God!

I've accepted that general concept since childhood but right now "all mankind" is summed up by that image which is burned into my brain. It has always been thus, hasn’t it? - the tyrant and the victim.  This was not man's original destiny. This was not the purpose for which we were created!  What sadness!

What do I do with that? How do I come to terms with it?  I'm not a theologian who can expound, a politician who can make war nor a sociologist who can explain. What can I do? I don't even know what to pray!

Frankly I find it easier to hide away in my pleasant life. Easier to hide behind baby dolls, teddy bears and birthday parties for granddaughters.  To occupy myself with the trials and joys of things in my small circle. Stay involved in church related activities. Turn off the news channels and choose obliviousness. But somehow that doesn't ease my heart.

Although there is much that could be said on the subject,
I have concluded that the only thing I can do is to keep faith in
     the One who breathed the breath of life into man,
        the One who sustains every breath we take while on this earth,
          and the One into whose hands we commend our spirits when our last earthly breath
          is done
God of creation and life's breath,
     Alpha and Omega,
       Beginning and the End.

I can give up the struggle to ascribe purpose or blame and give over to a Supreme Being who knows what it's all about and where it is going. Trust that God is just, righteous, true and ultimately powerful.

Then, like the psalmist David, I find my heart turning back to its true centre.

“With my mouth I will greatly extol the Lord;
    in the great throng of worshipers I will praise him.”

And like Job, expressing trust.

“I know that you can do all things;
    no purpose of yours can be thwarted…
    Surely I spoke of things I did not understand,
    things too wonderful for me to know.”

Or as it’s put colloquially in The Message version:
Job answered God:
“I’m convinced: You can do anything and everything.
    Nothing and no one can upset your plans.
You asked, ‘Who is this muddying the water,
    ignorantly confusing the issue, second-guessing my purposes?’
I admit it. I was the one. I babbled on about things far beyond me,
    made small talk about wonders way over my head.

Scriptures referred to are:
Ps 109
Job 42


Unknown said...

This is a very thoughtful reflection on a very difficult time in our history! But this, as you say, is not something new, we find it throughout history, the snake slithering around on the ground, chasing after the weak and the young and trying to knock down the chosen ones.--- But God will always love and care and cry for His people. Its time that we do too! We should not be afraid to stand up/out and pray for the oppressed.

Unknown said...

Bottom line "Trust that God is righteous, true and ultimately powerful" Thank you Lord, the same yesterday, today and forever.