Saturday 29 March 2014

West Coast Psalm

It's too easy to take our beautiful West Coast for granted!  Having traded my prairie roots for this coastal region, I should know better!  But living where I do between the mountains and the ocean, usually it’s just another ho hum day. A trip by ferry to an island destination is just the thing to reopen my jaded eyes.

How many shades of blue are out there?
        far mountains
          near shorelines
            multihued water between the ship and land

And those mountains?
   white tops on some
      long white shawls on others
        greeny/blue shades of rainforest growth
          valleys where streams and waterfalls are running

The ferry is too far from shore to see everything clearly, but I can visualize the cliffs, rocks and trees lining the intricacies of headlands and coves. Today the ocean is smooth and calm so it will be lapping gently along all the edges.

On this trip we have not had the bonus of seeing any of the dolphins, seals or whales that certainly are nearby but I know they are there along with all the other creatures under the surface of the water.  A few birds accompany us most of the time. I'm sure there are eagles watching our progress.

This day I feel wonderfully in tune with it all.
What a joy to bask in the wordless display of God's creativity and glory. 

May this be my modern day Psalm.

“Let heaven and earth praise him,

    the seas and everything that moves in them.”

(Psalm 69:34)

1 comment:

Eunice said...

For the Lord is the great God, the great King above all gods. In His hand are the depths of the earth and the mountain peaks belong to him. The sea is His, for He made it, and His hand formed the dry land. Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker; for He is our God... Psalm 95