Monday 14 March 2016

Looking for blogs

I’m sure you’re surprised to receive this after such a long hiatus but I have a question….

Does anyone know of blogs or devotionals being written by Christian women of - shall we say - mature age?

[PS doesn't usually come first in a letter, but it does today.  If you don't want to continue getting my blog you can unsubscribe without hurting my feelings. The list is maintained by a third party and I do not know who subscribes and who doesn't.]

We have some excellent young women writing very well but I crave input from my own generation. The young use examples of pregnancy and child raising, career problems, buying first house, conflicts arising in a young marriage, how to cope with too much to do, etc. I can relate because those are part of my past. Been there. Got the T-shirt. Survived. But now my concerns include career gone, downsizing of home and belongings, losses of all sorts, relating to grown children and their children, having husband home all day because he's retired too, having to manage unscheduled time, etc. I know there are very good blogs and devotionals suitable for all ages and stages and I subscribe to a few. However, I feel the need for some closer camaraderie and I have found very few that fit the category.

There are many many Scripture verses about how God is faithful through our lifetimes. (Gal 6:9 ; Phil 1:6)  These I do not doubt.  Don’t laugh now but I thought of looking through the Bible for examples or help specifically regarding post retirement years until I realized how absurd that was - only in recent years has society created the great divide of before and after age 65!  Certainly in God's infinite time line, there are no differences between living a Christian life at age 30 or 75.

Two songs we sang recently at church spoke to me so clearly.  Or more precisely, God knows my troubled mind and He spoke to me through them. It was the juxtaposition of the songs that caught my attention.

My Lighthouse - especially the phrase “I will trust the promise, You will carry me safe to shore”.
 The other song was Never Once – especially the phrase “Kneeling on this battleground, Seeing just how much You’ve done”.
As a result, adjustment – correction – alteration – fine tuning – is the concept I’ve landed on – that’s my new goal.  Or maybe adaptation.  I have added it to my other long standing goal which is be purposeful.
Adapt and continue to live with purpose!

Faced with growing older in this postmodern society, I realize how much I need the support of fellow pilgrims, journeyers along the way, my friends and current encouragers, and women I haven’t encountered yet, who are as Anne of Green Gables put it, “kindred spirits”.

“If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.
But pity anyone who falls
and has no one to help them up." (Ecc 4)

I somehow feel the need to hear from those of a similar age in the faith community. And speaking of age, computers came onto the scene during my career years.  I've experienced it from its beginnings and have tried to keep pace - not easy these days with the explosion of technologies of all sorts. I'm sure we women over the age of 65 can cope with blog programs.  One problem is search terms - there isn't a single one that stands out.  Do I use senior… older... old… aged… elderly… over a numbered age... lady… woma/en... mature... second childhood... over the hill...??  Christian... gospel.... faith... believer...  I've tried combinations of all of them. What’s your advice? Do you feel the same pull? What have you found out there in the digital world?  As an aside, have you noticed that “blog” is anything but a pretty word? One harsh syllable. What can we do about that?? The best synonym in a thesaurus is “online journal” – somewhat better, agreed?!

Please leave your responses in the comment area.  Personal friends are welcome to use my regular email address. I’m anxious to hear back from you!



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