Sunday 17 May 2020

In Search of a Retrieval System


It's a conundrum!

And it’s frustrating!

Let me try to explain.

Due to the Covid-19 self-isolation measures we are currently encountering and needing to fill extra hours at home, I couldn’t access my usual bookstores or even the library, so I decided it was time to sign up for library ebooks.  In a complicated, convoluted series of events, I ended up signing up at two different libraries with their two different ebook suppliers. And that’s what launched this journey through my conundrum…

I'm accumulating information that I don't quite know how to manage. It's all those wee bits here and there that I'm afraid I'll forget. I get an internal picture of myself jotting something down on a yellow stickie and posting it on my forehead. That's followed by another and another to the point where I am covered from top to toe by little coloured stickies and they’ve even taken over my kitchen wall.

Later, I need that bit of information, so I start to hunt.  I kinda remember.  I am pretty sure it's there somewhere.  I search and rustle through them, but that just makes them start to fall off!  It’s a dreadful jumble - there's no organization at all.  It is beyond frustrating! 

          Help! I need an index!

That's not actually what has happened of course. The truth is I have those bits of information carefully digitally saved. The problem is laying my hands on them. I hunt through gmail. Then through WhatsApp. Then through Messenger. Then through Texts. Then I think maybe I saved it in a document so search through the computer. Or did I hear it on a webinar or zoom meeting? Read it in one of the email articles that come by subscriptions that I've signed up for? Facebook? Or maybe it was in conversation with a neighbour or my husband. No wait - maybe I got the information in a phone call.  I'm old fashioned enough to still have a notebook beside the phone - but the phone (cordless of course) is never beside the notebook.

          Help! I need an index! 

Back to what launched this epic journey through the jumble in my mind.

Yesterday I sat down to read my book and suddenly realized that I'm not sure where to find the one I’m in the middle of. Is it on that library's ebook service or the other library? Is it on a pdf? Did I leave it, a “real” paperback, upstairs beside the bed? Maybe on Kindle, perhaps I should check there first.

As a retired librarian, I know information retrieval is all about indexes. Many well written books full of good information have been useless because of a lack of indexing or at least a table of contents. I need both! 

          Help!  I need a retrieval system….
                     And please tell me I'm not the only one.

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