Friday 20 February 2015

Live the Lesson

​I pulled into the driveway the other day with both granddaughters in the back of the car in their booster​seats. I got out, opened ​one back door as I walked past, carried a few things to the ​house, unlocked and opened the house door, followed a few moments later by the 6 year old. Then ​I ​heard angry hollering and wailing coming from the car​ so I a​sked her what​ was​ wrong with her sister. She said, “I don't know, she won't come out.” So I walked back there to see the 4 year old sitting firmly on her seat.  She had unbuckled the seat belt but was refusing to budge and was hollering at full volume.  “What's up, child? What's wrong?” ​ Her answer was,​  “I don't want my sister to open my door, I want you to!”  But then, did she come out when I coaxed her? No, wouldn't move!  Finally I left her sitting there, whining, with the car door wide open and walked around to the other side. I opened that door to retrieve a book bag, ​at which moment that crazy child scooted across and scampered out in front of me quick ​as a bunny with a grin on her face!

Now tell me, what's that all about!!??  Well, I know there's always a lesson.  (God knows that some people even of a certain age still have lessons to learn therefore He gave me grandchildren!). So I thought about it a while (lots of thinking time in the wee hours of the night) and here's what I believe I was meant to learn. 

Often I can see the way clearly ahead of me to step out and do something but I stay put, I hang back. Probably complain a bit - maybe more than a bit - when things don't look like they are quite going the way they should - when somebody didn't do something or somebody did do something.  Then, as soon as I can spot a way out, I make a quick dash for it and sneak back to my place of comfort, quite pleased with myself. 

Instead of stepping out boldly and getting on with the matter at hand, I have been known to choose to hang back, find a loophole, and disappear.

Is it any surprise that I received an invitation this week to be part of a project? to give some assistance at my church?  Hmmm…  Maybe I’d rather not. … Maybe it’s looking like I’m not going to be in control.  … Maybe I’ll protest and make excuses, dashing out the closest exit.

But then again,
… just possibly I’ve learned my lesson
… just possibly I’ll step out the door that has been opened for me

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